Land Registry Searches
Land Registry Title Register (OC1)
Reference LR1
The Title Register is one of the two main title documents (the Title Plan being the other) of a property and is often referred to as the Title Deed.
Information disclosed by the Title Register:
- Property ownership details, including the name and address of the registered owner(s).
- A description of the property.
- Edition Date: this is the date on which the Register was last amended, usually the last time the title was transferred or mortgaged.
- Registered restrictions adversely affecting the property, such as restrictive covenants.
- When maintenance responsibilities and liabilities for boundary structures, such as fences and walls, are specifically referred to within the registered deeds, they are often referred to within the Register and indicated on the Title Plan by coloured markings and T markings.
- Date of purchase and price paid/value stated for any property that has been sold since April 2000.
- Often includes information relating to easements, such as rights of way and rights of drainage.
- Registered mortgages and charges affecting the title, including the name and address of the lender (such as a bank or building society).
- Often includes reference to previous Transfers, Agreements and Conveyances with dates and names of parties involved.
- Title Number.
- Tenure, i.e Freehold or Leasehold.
- N.B. As the Register and Title Plan are unique to each property, the nature and amount of information contained within them will vary.
In order to obtain an official copy of the Register and/or Title Plan, click on the link below and complete the order form.
Land Registry Title Plan (OC1)
Reference LR2
Information disclosed by the Title Plan:
- General position of the boundaries to a property.
- General location in relation to surrounding properties and buildings.
- When maintenance responsibilities and liabilities for boundary structures, such as fences and walls, are specifically referred to within the registered deeds, they are often referred to within the Register and indicated on the Title Plan by coloured markings and T markings.
- Registered easements (such as drainage easements) are often indicated by coloured markings.
- Title Number and Ordnance Survey map reference.
- Registered rights of way or rights of access are often indicated by coloured markings.
- The scale of a Title Plan is usually 1:1250 in urban areas and 1:2500 in rural areas.
- Orientation indicated by way of a North point.
- N.B. As the Register and Title Plan are unique to each property, the nature and amount of information provided will vary.
In order to obtain an official copy of the Register and/or Title Plan, click on the link below and complete the order form.
Property or land without a postal address
(e.g. for building plots, land, fields and barns)
Reference LR3
This search provides customers with the facility to obtain a Title Register (Title Deed) and/or Title Plan for a property or land which does not have a full postal address (such as a barn, lane, or plot of land) and when the Title Number is unknown. In order to assist us in identifying the property or land please provide us with a full description of the location and/or upload a Map identifying the property or land.
Documents referred to in the Title Register (OC2)
(such as Transfers, Conveyances, Leases, Agreements and Deeds)
Reference LR4
This service provides customers with the facility to obtain documents referred to in the Title Register (such as Leases, Transfers, Conveyances, Charges and Agreements). The vast majority of orders for documents referred to in the Title Register are supplied by email within one hour.
Index Map Searches (SIM)
Reference LR5
The result of an Index Map search reveals whether or not the property searched is registered with the HM Land Registry, the Title Numbers, and the type of registration (i.e. Freehold and/or Leasehold).
The result of an Index Map search is, in most cases, provided within a few hours of receipt of an order.
Day List Entries
Reference LR6
The Day List Entries search confirms whether there are any pending official searches or applications against the Title.