By using our online services, you can obtain official copies of Land Registry Title Registers and Title Plans, Leases, Conveyance and Transfer Deeds, Charges and many other official conveyancing documents and searches online now.
Title Registers and Title Plans are the two main title documents of land and property, and are often referred to as the Title Deeds, Property Deeds, House Deeds or Land Deeds. An official copy of a Title Plan confirms the position of the boundaries and shows the extent/area of ownership.
Information disclosed by the Title Plan includes:
- Shows the position of the official boundaries.
- Shows the extent/area of ownership.
- An outline of the property and its surroundings.
- Repair and maintenance responsibilities for boundary structures, such as fences and walls, referred to in the Register are indicated on the Title Plan by coloured markings and T markings.
- Rights/easements (e.g. rights of access, parking rights and drainage rights) and restrictions/restrictive covenants referred to in the Title Register are shown on the Title Plan by coloured markings, hatchings, broken lines or symbols
- Areas of land which previously formed part of the property but have since been removed are coloured green.
- Orientation indicated by way of a North point.
- Ordnance Survey map reference.
- Title Plans are drawn to scale 1:1250.
- The unique Title Number allocated to the property or land.
- As a matter of course, we also search the Day List Enquiry / Application Enquiry, which is a list of pending applications and official searches; such as pending purchases, transfers and mortgages. If there are any pending applications or official searches, we will notify you when providing the Register and/or Title Plan.