
The Title Plan is the official document which records the position of boundaries and extent of ownership for land and property. The Title Plan and Title Register are the 2 main title documents of land and property, and are often referred to as the Title Deeds, Property Deeds or House Deeds.

Information disclosed by the Title Plan includes:

  • Information relating to the position of boundaries.
  • Shows the extent/curtilage of land owned, outlining it in red.
  • Displays an outline of the property and its surroundings.
  • Repair and maintenance obligations for boundary structures (e.g. fences and walls) are indicated on the Title Plan by coloured markings and T markings and explained in the Title Register.
  • Any rights/easements (e.g. rights of access, parking rights and drainage rights) and restrictions/restrictive covenants are indicated by coloured markings and explained in the Title Register.
  • Areas of land which previously formed part of the property but have since been removed are coloured green.
  • Orientation indicated by way of a North point.
  • Ordnance Survey map reference.
  • Title number.
  • The Title Plan is drawn to scale 1:1250.
Determine the position of boundaries to any property, house or land now – click on the link below and order an official copy of a Title Plan.
By using our online service, you will be able to quickly obtain official copies of Land Registry Title Registers and Title Plans, Leases and Deeds, as well as many other conveyancing searches. We are not affiliated with the UK Government or Land Registries. Some of the searches and documents we provide are available from official government sources at a lower fee; however, without the many benefits offered by our online services.